#!/usr/bin/env bash
: ==========================================
: Introduction
: ==========================================
# This script allows you to install the latest version of the
# "firebase" command by running:
: curl -sL firebase.tools | bash
# If you do not want to use this script, you can manually
# download the latest "firebase" binary.
: curl -Lo ./firebase_bin https://firebase.tools/bin/linux/latest
# Alternatively, you can download a specific version.
: curl -Lo ./firebase_bin https://firebase.tools/bin/linux/v7.2.2
# Note: On Mac, replace "linux" with "macos" in the URL.
# For full details about installation options for the Firebase CLI
# please see our documentation.
# https://firebase.google.com/docs/cli/
# Please report bugs / issues with this script on Github.
# https://github.com/firebase/firebase-tools
: ==========================================
: Advanced Usage
: ==========================================
# The behavior of this script can be modified at runtime by passing environmental
# variables to the `bash` process.
# For example, passing an argument called arg1 set to true and one called arg2 set
# to false would look like this.
: curl -sL firebase.tools | arg1=true arg2=false bash
# These arguments are optional, but be aware that explicitly setting them will help
# ensure consistent behavior if / when defaults are changed.
: -----------------------------------------
: Upgrading - default: false
: -----------------------------------------
# By default, this script will not replace an existing "firebase" install.
# If you'd like to upgrade an existing install, set the "upgrade" variable to true.
: curl -sL firebase.tools | upgrade=true bash
# This operation could (potentially) break an existing install, so use it with caution.
: -----------------------------------------
: Uninstalling - default false
: -----------------------------------------
# You can remove the binary by passing the "uninstall" flag.
: curl -sL firebase.tools | uninstall=true bash
# This will remove the binary file, the extracted cache, and any
# emulators which have been downloaded during use.
: -----------------------------------------
: Analytics - default true
: -----------------------------------------
# This script reports anonymous success / failure analytics.
# You can disable this reporting by setting the "analytics" variable to false.
: curl -sL firebase.tools | analytics=false bash
# By default we report all data anonymously and do not collect any information
# except platform type (Darwin, Win, etc) in the case of an unsupported platform
# error.
: ==========================================
: Source Code
: ==========================================
# This script contains a large amount of comments so you can understand
# how it interacts with your system. If you're not interested in the
# technical details, you can just run the command above.
# We begin by generating a unique ID for tracking the anonymous session.
CID=$(head -80 /dev/urandom | LC_ALL=c tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1)
# Credit: https://gist.github.com/earthgecko/3089509
# We can use this CID in all calls to the Google Analytics endpoint via
# this reusable function.
# We only make the API call in the case of the "analytics" variable
# not being set to "false". If it is set to false, this function
# performs no operation.
if [ ! "$analytics" = "false" ]; then
curl -s https://www.google-analytics.com/collect \
-d "tid=UA-154737150-1" \
-d "t=event" \
-d "ec=firebase.tools" \
-d "ea=$1" \
-d "v=1" \
-d "cid=$CID" \
-o /dev/null
# We send one event to count the number of times this script is ran. At the
# end we also report success / failure, but it's possible that the script
# will crash before we get to that point, so we manually count invocations here.
send_analytics_event start
# We try to detect any existing binaries on $PATH or two common locations.
# For info about why we place the binary at this location, see
# https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/8658
if [[ -z "$FIREBASE_BINARY" ]]; then
if [ -e "$LOCAL_BINARY" ]; then
elif [ -e "$GLOBAL_BINARY" ]; then
# If the user asked for us to uninstall firebase, then do so.
if [ "$uninstall" = "true" ]; then
if [[ -z "$FIREBASE_BINARY" ]]; then
echo "Cannot detect any Firebase CLI installations."
echo "Please manually remove any \"firebase\" binaries not in \$PATH."
CHECK_RESULT=$("$FIREBASE_BINARY" --tool:setup-check 2>&1)
if [[ ! "$CHECK_RESULT" == *bins* ]]; then
echo "Your \"firebase\" install was done via npm, not firebase.tools."
echo "Run \"npm uninstall -g firebase-tools\" to uninstall."
send_analytics_event uninstall_npm
exit 0
echo "-- Removing binary file..."
sudo rm -- "$FIREBASE_BINARY"
echo "-- Removing emulator runtimes..."
rm -rf ~/.cache/firebase/emulators
echo "-- Removing npm cache..."
rm -rf ~/.cache/firebase/tools
echo "-- Removing firebase runtime..."
rm -rf ~/.cache/firebase/runtime
echo "-- firebase-tools has been uninstalled"
echo "-- All Done!"
send_analytics_event uninstall
exit 0
# We need to ensure that we don't mess up an existing "firebase"
# install, so before doing anything we check to see if this system
# has "firebase" installed and if so, we exit out.
echo "-- Checking for existing firebase-tools..."
if [[ ! -z "$FIREBASE_BINARY" ]]; then
# In the case of a corrupt firebase-tools install, we wont be able to
# retrieve a version number, so to keep the logs correct, we refer to
# your existing install as either the CLI version or as a "corrupt install"
if [[ ! -z "$INSTALLED_FIREBASE_VERSION" ]]; then
FIREBASE_TOOLS_NICKNAME="a corrupted firebase-tools binary"
# We are only capable of upgrading installs of the standalone binary version of firebase-tools
# To detect if the version of firebase-tools installed is the binary version, we pass a hidden
# flag which returns a JSON response from the binary or an error on a regular install.
if [[ "$("$FIREBASE_BINARY" --tool:setup-check 2>&1)" == error* ]]; then
# If the install isn't a binary (i.e. it was installed via npm) then we can't help, so we exit.
echo "Your machine already has $FIREBASE_TOOLS_NICKNAME installed. Nothing to do."
echo "-- All done!"
send_analytics_event already_installed
exit 0
# If the user didn't pass upgrade=true, then we print the command to do an upgrade and exit
if [ ! "$upgrade" = "true" ]; then
echo "Your machine has $FIREBASE_TOOLS_NICKNAME installed."
echo "If you would like to upgrade your install run: curl -sL firebase.tools | upgrade=true bash"
send_analytics_event already_installed
exit 0
# If the user did pass upgrade=true, then we allow the script to continue and overwrite the install.
echo "-- Your machine has $FIREBASE_TOOLS_NICKNAME, attempting upgrade..."
send_analytics_event upgrade
echo "-- Checking your machine type..."
# Now we need to detect the platform we're running on (Linux / Mac / Other)
# so we can fetch the correct binary and place it in the correct location
# on the machine.
# We use "tr" to translate the uppercase "uname" output into lowercase
UNAME=$(uname -s | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
# Then we map the output to the names used on the Github releases page
case "$UNAME" in
linux*) MACHINE=linux;;
darwin*) MACHINE=macos;;
# If we never define the $MACHINE variable (because our platform is neither Mac
# or Linux), then we can't finish our job, so just log out a helpful message
# and close.
if [[ -z "$MACHINE" ]]; then
echo "Your operating system is not supported, if you think it should be please file a bug."
echo "https://github.com/firebase/firebase-tools/"
echo "-- All done!"
send_analytics_event "missing_platform_$UNAME"
exit 0
# We have enough information to generate the binary's download URL.
echo "-- Downloading binary from $DOWNLOAD_URL"
# We use "curl" to download the binary with a flag set to follow redirects
# (Github download URLs redirect to CDNs) and a flag to show a progress bar.
curl -o "/tmp/firebase_standalone.tmp" -L --progress-bar $DOWNLOAD_URL
# We need to ensure that the INSTALL_DIR exists.
# On some platforms like the Windows Subsystem for Linux it may not.
# We created it using a non-destructive mkdir command.
mkdir -p -- "$INSTALL_DIR" 2> /dev/null
# If the directory does not exist or is not writable, we resort to sudo.
if [ ! -w "$INSTALL_DIR" ]; then
$sudo mkdir -p -- "$INSTALL_DIR"
$sudo mv -f "/tmp/firebase_standalone.tmp" "$FIREBASE_BINARY"
# Once the download is complete, we mark the binary file as readable
# and executable (+rx).
echo "-- Setting permissions on binary... $FIREBASE_BINARY"
$sudo chmod +rx "$FIREBASE_BINARY"
# If all went well, the "firebase" binary should be located on our PATH so
# we'll run it once, asking it to print out the version. This is helpful as
# standalone firebase binaries do a small amount of setup on the initial run
# so this not only allows us to make sure we got the right version, but it
# also does the setup so the first time the developer runs the binary, it'll
# be faster.
# If no version is detected then clearly the binary failed to install for
# some reason, so we'll log out an error message and report the failure
# to headquarters via an analytics event.
if [[ -z "$VERSION" ]]; then
echo "Something went wrong, firebase has not been installed."
echo "Please file a bug with your system information on Github."
echo "https://github.com/firebase/firebase-tools/"
echo "-- All done!"
send_analytics_event failure
exit 1
# In order for the user to be able to actually run the "firebase" command
# without specifying the absolute location, the INSTALL_DIR path must
# be present inside of the PATH environment variable.
echo "-- Checking your PATH variable..."
if [[ ! ":$PATH:" == *":$INSTALL_DIR:"* ]]; then
echo ""
echo "It looks like $INSTALL_DIR isn't on your PATH."
echo "Please add the following line to either your ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile, then restart your terminal."
echo ""
echo ""
echo "For more information about modifying PATHs, see https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/26059"
echo ""
send_analytics_event missing_path
# We also try to upgrade the local binary if it exists.
# This helps prevent having two mismatching versions of "firebase".
if [[ "$FIREBASE_BINARY" != "$LOCAL_BINARY" ]] && [ -e "$LOCAL_BINARY" ]; then
echo "-- Upgrading the local binary installation $LOCAL_BINARY..."
cp "$FIREBASE_BINARY" "$LOCAL_BINARY" # best effort, okay if it fails.
chmod +x "$LOCAL_BINARY"
# Since we've gotten this far we know everything succeeded. We'll just
# let the developer know everything is ready and take our leave.
echo "-- firebase-tools@$VERSION is now installed"
echo "-- All Done!"
send_analytics_event success
exit 0
# ------------------------------------------
# Notes
# ------------------------------------------
# This script contains hidden JavaScript which is used to improve
# readability in the browser (via syntax highlighting, etc), right-click
# and "View source" of this page to see the entire bash script!
# You'll also notice that we use the ":" character in the Introduction
# which allows our copy/paste commands to be syntax highlighted, but not
# ran. In bash : is equal to `true` and true can take infinite arguments
# while still returning true. This turns these commands into no-ops so
# when ran as a script, they're totally ignored.